These are the results of the STEM women video contest we held at IES Blas Infante on May 2019. All winning videos got a healthy breakfast prepared by PTVAL class and a USB device with the school and "Smart Wellness" logos. Click on the pictures of the videos to watch them:

1st prize Elionor Ostrom by Victoria Méndez, Manuela Pérez, Christian López, Irene Trillo and Aurora Arroyo from 4º ESO C. They got 17,7 points.


2nd prize for Liza Meitner’s video by David Rentero and Francisco Fernández from 4º ESO D. They got 16,5 points


3rd prize for Rosalyn Franklin's video by Sara Prieto, Irene Salinas and Cristina Baena from 4º ESO E and D. They got 14 points. 


The 4th prize for Liza Meitner by Javier González from 4º D. He got 13,7 points.

5th prize Nettie Stevens by Pablo Palomino and Sergio Tejero from 3º ESO D. They got 8 points.